What is clonal selection?
Clonal selection is a means of evaluating the agronomic, sanitary and oenological characteristics of a certain number of strains chosen for their specific characteristics in old plots of vines.
What is clonal selection?
Clonal selection is a means of evaluating the agronomic, sanitary and oenological characteristics of a certain number of strains
Varietal creation and selection: a dynamic programme
The varietal creation and selection programme run by the French Institute of Vine and Wine is dedicated to maintaining the genetic heritage of vines in France.
What is varietal creation?
From clonal selection to variety creation: a change of direction for the IFV’s Plant Material Centre
What is molecular ampelography?
Modern genotyping and DNA analysis techniques have revolutionised ampelography. They allow varieties to be distinguished without waiting for the plants to develop.
[Webinar] Solutions for alternative weed control #1 Electric weeding – Case studies in vineyard, grassland
This webinar took place on April 26, 2023 and was organised by IFV as part of the Oper8 project. Animated by Camille Guilbert, experts Nicoleta Darra, Ilias Travlos, Lynn Tatnell, Kevin Godfrey, Tom Archer and Christophe Gaviglio talk about electric weeding solutions.
Mechanical weeding and required technical skills
Mechanical weeding in the row is not simply a question of replacing one technique by another.
10 questions and answers about plant cover in the vineyard
What are the advantages of plant cover? How do the plants compete with the vines? Which species should I choose?
What are the new avenues of research in system experimentation?
It is crucial to design innovative viticultural systems to respond to the challenges facing winegrowing
What is biocontrol?
Nicolas Aveline from the IFV’s Nouvelle Aquitaine Centre explains what biocontrol is in 4 questions and answers.
Confined spraying in viticulture
Confined spraying is an opportunity for winegrowers because it combines efficiency and respect for the environment.
Diversity of spraying techniques
Measurement of the quantities of spray deposits obtained on the EvaSprayViti test bench clearly show that high-performance spraying techniques exist which represent significant progress compared to the most commonly used techniques.
Phthalates : Potential sources and control measures
The issue of endocrine disruptors is a subject of debate in the agri-food sector and questioning for consumers through the media.
Rosé wines: impact of storage conditions in tank on the polyphenol composition and color
Color of Rosé wines is an important criterion for consumer choice. This color depends on the concentration of anthocyanins and also of other pigments derived from them.
Reducing alcohol content in wines by combining canopy management practices and biological techniques
The main objectives of this study were to decrease wine alcohol content by combining several techniques, from the vineyard to the cellar.
Enzymes in oenology : production, regulation, applications
The booklet « Itineraries » about enzymes in oenology aims to provide elements of understanding and/or information on the nature of enzymatic preparations.